Sunday, October 14, 2007

I should have known

Well, of course, I should have known.

But I never do and yet I am never surprised.

Robin and Laurie are out of town for a couple weeks. It didn't occur to me to remember the exact date that they would be returning. I remember that they will be back before Bridget and Rachel leave. Thought that was enough information.

After all, Christine generously offered for them to stay at Puamana. Christine will be here "the whole time." So yesterday, Saturday, Danny finally casually told me exactly when Christine will be here. He may very well not have known before then. Maybe Christine didn't even know till then. That variable should have been communicated to us.

Bridget and Rachel arrive on Thursday, the 18th. Oh, well, Christine arrives Sunday. Yawn. Dan suggested, Bridget and Rachel will have to rough it with us here at 303 till then. Negative. No way, they would cry. And rightly so. Most people would, male or female. 3o3 is kinda rough. I've been lucky or unlucky enough to have been around trying housing situations enough that I'm somewhat impervious. I mean I actually like the third world.

I took the news in stride because I knew they could stay with Robin. It then dawned on me that Robin and Laurie will still be in Costa Rica, I think. There's the rub. Even with Robin and Laurie out of town, it would have been no problem for Bridget and Rachel to stay there. If we had known the actual dates that Puamana would be available. Of course, with Robin and Laurie in Costa Rica . . . actually, I will call Robin's cell. I'll e-mail him also if I can find his address. You never know in this communication age. I wasn't overly concerned about their return date. Now, it's scramble time.

I thought maybe Bridget and Rachel should change their tickets and arrive on Sunday. And they could change their return also. That, of course, would involve two ticket change charges each. A couple hundred bucks. Plus, that would have them here longer into another friend/family/fellow-freak member's visit. Not optimal.

Bridget and Rachel are getting to stay at Puamana for free, a place that rents for several hundred a night, so how to complain? It's just a pain that will cost money. Everything is so 'general' with Dan. Often time when the specifics are finally revealed, they don't correlate. Or, some bullshit unnecessary complication arises that would have been a non-issue had the details been presented originally.

I want this trip to be really good for them. Staying at 303 for three nights would not facilitate this desire. It would taint the rest of their trip and maybe ever scar them for life! God knows I've got scars from my friends.

So, I should have known. I'm sorry, Bridget. I'll find a place for you two.

Plus, the seventh floor is expected to finally open for us on Wednesday. Usually it takes a day, more like two till we can get in. Making that day Friday. We'll see. It'll all work out. I'll do what ever I have to to assure that. I remembered why I was so willing to work epic shifts last year. It was because I know I can do epics. That knowledge was learned from biking.

Yesterday was an epic. I may have mistakenly exaggerated though. After reconsulting the map, it appears that it was about seventy five miles total with twenty miles of brutal head winds from mile thirty five to sixty five. And I had (comparatively) medium head winds for all but five to ten of the other miles. So, if I need to pull some twelve to fourteen hour shifts at Constructionland, I happily will.


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